Sep 14Liked by Sarah Cooper

As much as we love your DJT, and we do, please put him in your rear view forever. You owe us nothing, and I want him taking exactly NONE of your precious mental real estate.

Big love,

Genevieve Hammond

Needham, MA

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BLESS YOU FOR SAYING SO. Also there’s a character in my novel named Genevieve so this feels like fate. What a beautiful name.

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Oh my goodness, how wonderful. Thanks for sharing - you made my day!


Another Beautiful Sentence Struggler

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Sarah let me know if you would like it if I illustrate your book for free. And/or some other arrangement that will be okay with your publisher or something. Consider it my free gift to you, if you will take it, for your gift of entertainment to me & the world at large since 2016 onwards.

If you're interested maybe contact me at @ferdizebua@threads.net or at @ferdiz_draw@instagram.com since I don't really track my "inbox" in Substack anymore. I just happen to be browsing today...

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Wow what an offer!! I’ll keep you posted when it gets to that stage, thank you immensely for the kindness

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I'm an audience. I'm here because what I've seen and read from you is brilliant. Maybe a rebrand, but maybe exploring potential. You're a writer, comedian, actor and who knows what else. You do you, I'll marvel, laugh, and enjoy.

Thats what an audience does.

Pass the popcorn.

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14Liked by Sarah Cooper

Sarah, I am not really sure if there is anybody out there who hates that lying, cheating, scumbag of an orange marshmallow more than me, (Well, maybe you...) As an INFJ, feeling is my Major Thing (Myers Briggs https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test) and, every time I hear his voice, I want to scream!! (Unless...sorry...what I'm hearing is your lip syncs! Then I laugh hysterically! Did I tell you I hate DJT??) So, leave that jerk in the dust, and look for some other crazy people to lip sync! God knows there's plenty of them out there! (Also, YAAA! for you that you are working on getting to know yourself and improving that self!) Hugs and high fives! Oh, I forgot...I caught a horrible respiratory infection on a visit to my grandson, so my week has been sleep, cough, check my temp, and take meds. Thankfully, I'm getting to the tail end of this malady!

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"And no one gives a fuck about beautiful sentences."

This is wildly inaccurate. I very much give a fuck about them. They might be my favorite thing.

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You’re wrong Jason. Dead wrong. Okay no you’re not. I like them too, but when it comes to novels, a great story told with ugly sentences will always beat beautiful sentences that tell no story. Also at this second draft stage, it’s easy to let getting hung up on sentences stop me from finishing the damn thing. Thank you for disagreeing with me. I like fights like this.

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I specialize in mediocre storytelling propped up by average sentence structure. That’s the sweet spot. You’ll get it eventually, kid.

One day we can argue about whether story or characters matter more. I have a contrarian opinion about this subject.

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Sep 14Liked by Sarah Cooper

Oy… was writing a note to thank you for all the lip syncing and making something awful not only palatable but something to look forward to when I accidentally hit Post. So um…. thank you so much for all that. My week was fine, thanks for asking. Got the latest booster shot. Won two bucks in a poker game. Discovered your substack. So, all in all, a really fine week.

Love the “get writers together to stare at blank screens” thing.

All the hugs!


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TWO DOLLARS?? Wait now I have to go watch that John Cusack movie

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Sep 14Liked by Sarah Cooper

Witty and funny, thank you for that. Life is not linear nor predictable; lots of head scratching when we forget. My week was productive, a few F’ups but no one is hurt and money is still circulating. Gonna check out the lip sync…need a hearty laugh ✌🏽

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Keep that money circulating! Thank you for being the first to tell me how their week was

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Sep 18Liked by Sarah Cooper

It's always good to stop doing things that aren't working for you, even if others think it's cool or funny. I had to stop listening to MNM for a while in the early 2000's it always changed me into an angry mom! I figured out why later with therapy. Growth is good❤️

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Sep 15Liked by Sarah Cooper

My mum is also always rushing me off every time I talk to her, much like your dad. I don’t think she knows what to say to me as an adult.

That was a nice read. You’ve got me into Substack on a relaxing Sunday afternoon.

You’ve accomplished a lot this week, Sarah. I’ve spent the last week and a half in Spain on a holiday and it was very relaxing and stimulating at the same time. Now I’m back in New York, not looking forward to hearing English and understanding people.

I’ve missed my cat (my last words)

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Sep 14Liked by Sarah Cooper

Not to brag, but this week I got not one but TWO hummingbirds to come to my feeders! Between this and the squirrels, birds, butterflies, and bees who have all found the goodies I put out/planted for them, my transition to middle-aged Snow White is almost complete!

Also, I feel like this is kismet because I spent an inordinate amount of time researching co-working places in Austin instead of actually working. I still haven't had the courage to actually go to one, but your post gives me hope! I need a cure for the writerly loneliness!

Thanks for this bright spot in my inbox, Sarah. <3

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